Fugit v.1.41 (May 14, 2022)
Permanent popup menu for key functions on bottom left
Window controls match the theme colour
Window controls gently fade out
Adjusted AM/PM Display
Fixed App name not showing in AppleScript
Fixed spacing issue in some modes
Fugit v.1.40 (May 7, 2022)
Fugit now has a mini mode! (toggle it from the Window menu)
Pinch gesture (on trackpads) to trigger mini mode and spread gesture to go back to normal.
Now can optionally auto launch at login.
Fugit v.1.36 (Sep 13, 2021)
Other Fixes
Fugit v.1.35 (Sep 9, 2021)
Bubblegum Theme
Other Fixes
Fugit v.1.30 (Sep 8, 2021)
Optionally Hide the Dock and Menu
Save some space in your dock, a discrete contextual menu replaces the Menu bar.
Optional Gel Cover to give Fugit that lick-able look
Now automatically hides the window controls when Fugit is in the background for an even cleaner look
Coffee LCD Tint, looks great with bananas
Bubblegum LCD Tint
Silky Smooth resizing animations
MacOS 12 Monterey improvements
Fugit v.1.20 (Aug 20, 2021)
Date Display
The most requested feature has now been added, todays date is now optionally displayed to the right of the clock
Black and White LCD Tint
A LCD tint that automatically configures its self based on system dark or light mode being selected
Green VFD Tint
A LCD theme based on a Vacuum Fluorescent Display, this replaces the original green tint
Hide the Seconds
Hide all distractions by removing the second counter
New Preference Pane
Improved options, discoverability and usability
MacOS 12 Monterey compatibility
MacOS 10.14 compatibility
Increased Efficiency
Reduced footprint and even lower energy usage
New Defaults for new users
New users will have the date visible and the seconds hidden using the system accent
Fugit v.1.10 (Aug 2, 2021)
Configurable LCD tint options
Floating the window no longer requires app relaunch
Improvement to 12/24 hr behaviour
Accessibility improvements in light mode
MacOS 10.15 Compatibility
Fugit v.1.00 (Jul 30, 2021)
First Release