Hi there, I'm new!
I was trying to setup a routine that would open an app if it crashed...
But all I get is a grayed out trigger indicator and absolutely no reaction to app quitting/closing/not running.
I'm using an M1 on Sonoma, does the feature work for anybody else?
Trypa has both Accessibility and Automation permissions...
Did I miss something?

Hi, it’s a problem with the way Elgato Stream Deck advertises its app name (the name in the finder is Elgato Stream Deck, in activity monitor where Trypa looks, it's Stream Deck).
The solution is easy, quit Stream Deck, then rename the Elgato Stream Deck app (in your Applications folder to Stream Deck, be careful not to change the suffix .app
Then create a new Trigger with this app item so it looks like this:
Then save the trigger.
You can then rename the app back to Elgato Stream Deck.
This works, we checked with Stream Deck at this end!
It’s working for me in the latest version, I monitor transmission to enable a vpn and disable it when quit.