My created trigger is shown in the following image:
The issue now is that every time my MacBook starts up, it automatically connects to the 'yy' Wi-Fi. However, at this point, the Trypa program has not yet started (although I have added Trypa to the startup options, its startup speed is slower than the Wi-Fi connection speed). As a result, the trigger does not run successfully. Currently, I can only wait for Trypa's automatic startup to complete after the computer successfully boots up, and then manually disable and re-enable the Wi-Fi. Only then does the Trypa trigger work normally. I don't want to manually operate the Wi-Fi options every time the computer starts up, as that's too cumbersome. I want to automate this process completely. Please give me a solution to this problem.
Thank you very much for your response. Before your suggestion, my temporary solution was to use the Script Editor to write the following script: do shell script "networksetup -setairportpower en0 off" delay 15 do shell script "networksetup -setairportpower en0 on" I run this script in the startup items to achieve the effect of disabling and enabling Wi-Fi with a delay, allowing Trypa to correctly detect the network connection event.
I tried your solution, and it seems to be able to solve my problem. With your solution, I can actually do without Trypa. Below is the shortcut I tried:
Hi, I understand. My suggestion would be run a shortcut on Startup to check if your are connected to "yy", if you are, then this will then trigger the shortcut "设置家里 wifi信息".
The best way to do this is save this shortcut as an app and add it to Login Items in System Settings, then it will just run on every startup.
This will just deal with detection on startup.
Once it's started up Trypa can then detect future connections.
Let me know if I have understood, and this makes sense?